Light Pollution PPT

 Light Pollution


Light is also called photo pollution or luminescence pollution refers to a brightening of night sky due to scattering of artificial light by gaseous molecule and dust particle in the air.

Light pollution

  • Sky glow
  • Glare
  • Light trespass
  • Light clutter

Sky glow

  • Most of the times the lightning are not endowed with adequate shielding provisions as a result the light is reflected by the object it illuminates and spills away into the sky.
  • In the atmosphere it is reflected causing orange color sky glow refers to the glow effect that can be seen over populated areas.

Light trespass

  • Light may go across property lines and illuminates some one else premises. This condition is called light trespass.
  • This is not only a nuisance bus also a security risk. A common light trespass problem occur when a beam if light from one house enters a windows of another house.
  • This may lead to sleep deprivaion or blocking of a evening view.


  • The condition of glare result when more than necessary illumination is applied to an area leading to several ill effects, including eye irritation.
  • Causes by high contrast between light and dark areas, glare can also make difficult for humans eye to adjust to the difference in brightness.

Light clutter

Refers to excessive group of light grouping of light may generate confusion, distract from obstacles and potentially cause accident clutter is particularly noticeable as road s where the street light are badly designed or where brightly light advertising surrounds the road way.


  • Light pollution is side effect of industrialized civilization it is cause due to excessive use of artificial lights by humans.
  • Unlike the sunlight, the artificial light which are thrust into the sky have many hues and colors.
  • Over-illumination by artificial light stems from a number of factor.
  • Improper architecture, especially of office.
  • Inadequate maintenance of light devices.


  • Increased headache incidence, worker fatigue, medically defined stress.
  • Elevate blood pressure by about eight points.
  • Having negative impacts on plant and animal physiology.
  • It can confuse animal navigation.
  • Change predator-prey relations.
  • Sea turtles do not come to shore and nest as often.
  • Reduce the contrast between stars and galaxies. 


  • Utilization light sources of minimum intensity necessary to accomplish the light’s purpose.
  • Turning lights off using a timer or occupancy sensor or manually when not needed.
  • Improving lighting fixtures by uses of full cutoff fixtures help to reduce sky glow by preventing light from escaping above the horizontal.
  • Adjusting the type of lights used, so that the light waves emitted are those that are less likely to cause severe light pollution problems.



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