Land Pollution ppt


What is land pollution ??? 

  • Land pollution, in other words, is nothing but degradation, damage to the surface of the earth and its soil because of human activities. 
  • The increase in a number of cities and towns due to enhancement in a population are also the reasons for land pollution. 
  • A land gets polluted even due to lack of green cover on land which results in soil erosion.

Causes of Land Pollution:

  • Deforestation and soil erosion
  • Mining activities
  • Agricultural activities
  • Construction activities
  • Industrialization
  • Nuclear waste
  • Sewage treatment

Deforestation and soil erosion

        Deforestation which makes dry land is one of the major reasons of land pollution. In this, we need to observe that once a land becomes dry or barren then it cannot be regained i.e. it will be very difficult to regain its fertility.

Mining activities

        At the time of mining activities and extraction activities, many land spaces are made under the surface.

Agricultural activities

        With the increase in human population there is an increase in demand for food also. Farmers use toxic pesticides and chemicals to get rid of distinct types of insects and these types of practices result in poisoning of soil.

Construction activities

        Because of urbanization these days, construction activities are at a high rate and these activities generates waste particles at a high amount.


        There is an increase in population which results in an increase in food, shelter, and other required things. This requirement gave rise to industries and these industries require raw materials which lead to deforestation and also they produce a large amount of waste which has to be disposed of.

Nuclear waste

        Nuclear waste from a nuclear plant is dumped beneath surface of the earth for avoiding causality.

Sewage treatment

        After the treatment of sewage, huge amount of solid waste goes into landfills which lead to pollution of the environment.

Effects of Land Pollution:

  • Change in climate patterns
  • Pollution of soil
  • Impact of environment
  • Effect on human health
  • Cause air pollution
  • Effect on wild life
  • Distraction of tourist

Solutions for Land Pollution:

  • Reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides
  • reduce, recycle, and reuse.
  • decrease buying package items.
  • increase buying biodegradable products.
  • properly dispose of garbage.
  • encourage organic gardening.



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