Air Pollution ppt

Air Pollution

What Is Air Pollution??

                Air pollution is the introduction of  chemiclas, particular matter, or biological materials that cause harm to discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere.

Types Of Air Pollution

  • There are several types of air pollution, mainly Indoor Air Pollution and Outdoor Air Pollution. These include smog, acid rain, the green house effect and hole in ozone layer.
  • One type of air pollution is the release of particles into the air.
  • Another type of air pollution is the release of poisonous gases. 

Outdoor Air Pollution


Smog is a type of large scale out pollution. It is caused by chemical reaction between pollutants derived from different sources.

Indoor Air Pollution

    It more dangerous than outdoor air pollution because we do everything in enclosed environment where air circulation may be restricted.

Sources of Indoor Air Pollution
  • Tobacco smoke 
  • Cooking and heating appliances
  • Vapoures from building materials

Acid Rain

  • It is caused when pollutant combines with droplets of water in the air.
  • The effects of acid rain on the environment can be serious.

Effects Of Acid Rain

  • Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams.
  • It contributes to the damage of trees and many sensitive forest soils.
  • It accelerates the decay of building materials and paint, including irreplaceable building, statues.

Hole In Ozone Layer

  • It is another result of air pollution.
  • Chemicals released by our activities affect the stratosphere.
  • Release of CFC from heating, aerosol cans, refrigerator equipments remove some of the ozone, causing “Holes”.

Causes Of Air Pollution

  • Dust raised on the ground during dust storms.
  • Stone dust raised by crushing of stones in quarries.
  • Smoke emitted by vehicles.
  • Smoke from forest fires.
  • Smoke raised by burning of coal in powerhouses.
  • Burning of wood, cow dung cakes, garbage etc. 


  • Vehicle care
  • Public transport
  • Alternative energy sources
  • Saving energy
  • Minimize Air Pollution
  • Recyclable materials


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  2. Thank you so much
    Because my teacher make own power point presentation make to student

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    Nice reserch

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