Solar System ppt

 Solar System


  •  Located  93,000,000 from the earth
  •  Closest star to earth 
  •  At least 4.5 billion years old 
  •  Has a surface temperature of 10,000 degrees and a center temperature of 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit


  • Bigger than pluto
  • Only object in the solar system visited by humans
  • A lunar months is 29.35 days; 1 new moon to the next.
  • The moon’s gravitational pull on earth is the main cause of the ocean’s tide.


  • The asteroids belt is the space between mars and jupiter
  • It contains irregularly shaped chunks of debris called asteroids
  • Asteroids made of rock and metal. Mostly nickel and iron.


  •  Mercury
  •  Venus
  •  Earth 
  •  Mars
  •  Jupiter
  •  Saturn 
  •  Uranus 
  •  Neptune 


  • Closest to the sun
  • Smallest planet
  • Rotates once every 59 earth days
  • One day on Mercury lasts 176 earth days
  • Very dry, hot and almost airless


  • Second closest planet to the sun
  • Brightest celestial body besides the moon and sun
  • Cannot be seen in the middle of the night 
  • Can be observed in the east at sunrise
  • And the west at sunset


  • 3rd from the sun
  • 5th largest planet in the solar system
  • More than 4.5 billion year old
  • Has one natural satellite we call the moon
  • Oceans cover 70% of earth’s surface


  • Fourth from the sun 
  • Only planet whose surface can be seen in detail from the earth.
  • Reddish in color, the atmosphere of Mars is made up of carbon dioxide.


  • The fifth planet from the sun
  • Largest planet in the solar system
  • Has at least 39 months


  • Sixth planet from the sun 
  • Has at least 31 moons
  • The surface on saturn consists of liquid and gas


  • Seventh planet from the sun 
  • 1st planet discovered with a telescope 
  • Atmosphere is a mixture of Hydrogen, Helium and Methane
  • Does not have a solid surface  


  • 8th planet from the sun
  • The atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium
  • Has 8 known moons 

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