Light Pollution PPT
Light Pollution Introduction Light is also called photo pollution or luminescence pollution refers to a brightening of night sky due to scattering of artificial light by gaseous molecule and dust particle in the air. Light pollution Sky glow Glare Light trespass Light clutter Sky glow Most of the times the lightning are not endowed with adequate shielding provisions as a result the light is reflected by the object it illuminates and spills away into the sky. In the atmosphere it is reflected causing orange color sky glow refers to the glow effect that can be seen over populated areas. Light trespass Light may go across property lines and illuminates some one else premises. This condition is called light trespass. This is not only a nuisance bus also a security risk. A common light trespass problem occur when a beam if light from one house enters a windows of another house. This may lead to sleep deprivaion or blocking of a evening view. Glare The condition of glare result when m...